- Pelican Marsh Elementary
- Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks
Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks
Breakfast: service starts at 7:45 a.m. and is free for all students.Lunch: Students are invited to bring their own lunch from home or purchase a lunch from the cafeteria. The price of lunch with milk is $2.00 daily. Students are encouraged to bring weekly lunch money ($10.00) on Monday. If lunch is brought from home, milk can be purchased for $.50 a carton. Prices are subject to change due to federal guidelines.Purchasing lunch:
- Paying by Check: You may send a check for the week, month, or longer. Checks should be marked payable to PME Dept of Nutrition with the student # and the student’s first and last name in the memo line of the check.
- Online Payment: CCPS uses MY SCHOOL BUCKS for online payments for lunch.
In the event of an account not having money to purchase lunch, students will be permitted to charge three lunches. On the fourth day, the student will receive an alternate lunch (sandwich and juice). Alternate lunches may be provided up to five days for a total of eight lunches which may be charged. Parents will be contacted to inform them of lunch charges.Parents are welcome to have lunch with their children. Parents eating lunch with their children must ensure that they report back to class on time. The price for an adult breakfast is $1.50 and adult lunch is $3.00.Free or Reduced Meal Program: There is a Free & Reduced Meal Program available to those that qualify. Applications are available online, will be sent home the first week of school or may be picked up in the PME main office.Questions: Café Manager at 239-377-7942