ELL (English Language Learners)

  •          ELL        


    Who needs ELL (ESOL) training?  

    All instructional personnel must complete a minimum of 18 or 60 hours of ELL inservice, depending on their assignment, by the end of their second contractual year, regardless of whether they have an ELL student or not. 

    18-Hour Requirement: Teachers who teach subjects not listed in 1 or 2 such as Art, Music, PE, Media Specialists, ROTC Instructors, Speech Pathologists; Psychologists and Behavior Specialists need 18 ELL in-service points. Teachers must complete this requirement within the first two years of employment with the District. 
    60-Hour Requirement:  Teachers of Math, Social Science, Science, Computer Literacy, Administrators and Guidance Counselors must complete 60 in-service points in ELL training.  This requirement must be completed within the first two years of employment with the District. 
    300-Hour Requirement (ESOL Endorsement - Out-of-Field Requirement):  This is for teachers responsible for teaching language instruction or reading, such as Elementary, English, Language Arts, Reading and Exceptional Education to ELL students.  This requires proof of completion of the five ELL courses and adding the ESOL endorsement to your teaching certificate.
    You have a maximum of six years to complete the five courses from the date of assignment.  Should your teaching assignment change, you must continue to complete requirements per the timeline below:
    Sample Timeline: 
    • First Course = 3 semester hours or 60 in-service points within two contract years of date of assignment (above)
    • Second Course = 6 semester hours or 120 in-service points must be completed within one contract year from the date of completion of the first course
    • Third Course = 9 semester hours or 180 in-service points must be completed within one contract year from the date of completion of the second course
    • Fourth Course = 12 semester hours or 240 in-service points must be completed within one contract year from the date of completion of the third course
    • Fifth Course = 15 semester hours or 300 in-service points must be completed within one contract year from the date of completion of the fourth course
    • Add the ESOL endorsement to your current teaching certificate = must be completed within one contract year from the date of completion of the fifth course.
    Upon completion of the five courses, submit a DOE District Add On application and your fee to the District Certification Office to add the endorsement to your certificate.
    You will remain out-of-field for ELL until you complete all five courses and add the endorsement to your certificate.  A change in position or course assignment does not release you from the meeting the requirements of the ELL out-of-field agreement.  
    What if I took ELL courses in College?

    If you wish to determine if any of the courses you took during college or in a previous state would be eligible to be used towards the ESOL Endorsement, you need to apply online to the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) to add the ESOL endorsement to your teaching certificate. The FLDOE will evaluate your transcripts and respond with a Statement of Eligibility (SOE) Letter.

    What if I completed the ELL training in another Florida District?

    Teachers who have completed ELL training in other Florida districts can have their hours transferred to Collier County Public Schools.  You need to contact the Staff Development office in the county from which you transferred and have them forward a completed OTE206 Form to the Collier County Public Schools – Professional Development Department.

    What is the ELL (ESOL) Endorsement Certification program?
    Instructional personnel working with limited English proficient students are required to have or be working towards the ESOL subject area or the ESOL endorsement.  The ESOL endorsement is an add-on to a valid Florida teaching certificate. 

    What is required to get the ESOL Endorsement?

    There are five courses required for the ESOL Endorsement.  These courses are offered free of charge to Collier County teachers.  They are:
    ·       Applied Linguistics
    ·       Cross Cultural Communications
    ·       Curriculum & Materials Development
    ·       Methods of Teaching ESOL
    ·       Testing & Evaluation

    What is the difference between the ESOL endorsement and the ESOL K-12 certification?

    The ESOL K-12 certification is a subject area certification.  It requires passing the ESOL K-12 subject area exam and an additional 120 hours of ESOL training.  Teachers have three years from the date they obtain the ESOL certification to complete the additional required training.  The ESOL endorsement is a series of five courses (300 in-service points).

    I am out-of-field in ELL (ESOL).  What is required of me?

    You must complete one course within two years of the initial out-of-field date and one course each year after that.  (After completion of your first ELL course, you must complete one ELL course each year thereafter.)  Upon completion of all five ELL courses, you must add the ESOL endorsement to your teaching certificate.  (See timeline above)

    How do I add the ESOL Endorsement to my teaching certificate? 
    Apply on-line with the Florida Department of Education (DOE) to add the ESOL Endorsement (1016/E).  You must then send a check or money order for $75.00 (made payable to CCPS) to the Certification Department.  Upon receipt of the check/money order the Certification Department will submit course completion in-service records to the the DOE.
    Should I wait to add the endorsement at the same time that I renew my certificate?  
    There is no advantage to waiting.  Adding a subject area and renewing a certificate are two separate transactions.  The fee to add the endorsement is $75.00.  The fee to renew a certificate is $75.00.
    Are ELL in-service points bankable?

    If ELL credit is earned under a five-year Professional renewable certificate, the Florida Department of Education allows the “banking” of ELL credits.  Each course is worth 60 in-service points.  Unused banked points may be used to meet the renewal requirement beyond the validity in which they were earned.

    Who do I contact for specific ELL questions?

    For more information about the ESOL Endorsement, visit the English Language Learner Programs website at:  https://www.collierschools.com/Domain/136, call 239-377-0131, or email ell@collierschools.com.