Gifted Endorsement

  • **Gifted Endorsement in-service points are not eligible to be used towards teaching students with disabilities (SWD) or developmental literacy (DL) renewal requirements.


    What is the Gifted Endorsement certification program?

    The Gifted add-on endorsement program is a state approved, five course program which teachers can complete in order to add the Gifted endorsement to their teaching certificates. 

    What is required to get the Gifted Endorsement?

    There are five courses required for the gifted endorsement.  These courses are offered free of charge to Collier County Public School teachers.  They are:

    • Curriculum and Instructional Strategies for Teaching Gifted Students
    • Education of Special Populations of Gifted Students
    • Guidance & Counseling for the Gifted
    • Nature and Needs of Gifted Students
    • Theory & Development of Creativity

     I am out-of-field in Gifted.  What is required of me?

    You must complete 120 in-service points (two district courses) and/or six semester college credit hours of coursework in gifted each school year you are identified as teaching out-of-field gifted.  After all five (5) courses have been completed, the Gifted Endorsement must be added to your teaching certificate.

    Where do I sign up for a gifted course?  iLearnU

    How do I add the Gifted Endorsement to my teaching certificate?

    Apply with the FL Department of Education to add the Gifted Endorsement to your teaching certificate.  Send a check or money order for $75.00 (made payable to CCPS) to the Certification Department.  Upon receipt of the check/money order the Certification Department will submit the required in-service records to the FLDOE.

    Are Gifted in-service points bankable?


    Who do I contact for specific gifted questions?