Student Progress Monitoring
Progress monitoring is a set of assessment and evaluation procedures for determining the extent to which students are benefiting from classroom instruction and for monitoring curriculum effectiveness. Progress monitoring is the scientifically based practice of assessing students’ academic performance on a regular basis for three purposes:
- To determine whether students are achieving set goals from the instructional programs and curriculum.
- To build more effective programs for students
- To estimate rates of student improvement
Progress Monitoring Using Data Warehouse Data Warehouse is a web-based program that was created and is maintained by CCPS employees. Users may review data for individual students and for student groups, such as by class, course, course grades and skill assessment results, as well as by special user defined groups.
Data Warehouse contains information regarding teachers, classes and schedules, test scores, aggregate scores and trends, course grades, Progress Monitoring Plans, Professional Learning Communities teaming and collaboration, as well as, the ability to give and analyze online assessments.RTI Progress Monitoring Response to Intervention (RtI) is a method of identifying students who are struggling in school and to ensure that each of those students receives just the right instruction or intervention to maximize student achievement and to reduce behavior problems. With RtI, schools identify those students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions and adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions depending on a student’s responsiveness. Student progress is monitored using Progress Monitoring Plans (PMPs).