Trailing Spouses
Interested in a position with Collier County Public Schools?
We understand that relocating may not be easy - Let us help!
As the single largest employer in Collier County, we have positions available in all fields; therefore, the career opportunities that exists with CCPS are far reaching. We also collaborate with local businesses and corporations that recruit highly qualified and sought after applicants from unique and specialized career fields from across the country.
We understand that relocating costs are significant and there is a risk associated with relocating to a new area. People may be hesitant to relocate for several reasons, including the reality that an increasing number of families are depend upon two incomes to support their household.
Satisfying two career needs has become one of the largest challenges for recruiting key employees throughout the United States; however, CCPS wants to be your resource to help alleviate these concerns for potential new employees.
To assist, please submit the following information to the Human Resources Department at trailingspouses@collierschools.com:
- Your Name
- Your Email
- Name of your Partner or Spouse
- Your spouse’s job title
- Brief summary of partner’s skills and job opportunity sought
- Attach resume of Trailing Spouse
We look forward to assisting you in your career exploration and hope you choose Collier County Public Schools as your future employer!
To learn about current career opportunites, employment information, and benefits, click the icons below!
Not Ready for full-time employment?
Consider Guest (Substitute) Teaching!
The guest (substitute) teacher’s role in the educational process of Collier County Public Schools is very important. Providing continuity in the classroom instructional program is essential to a sound education. Occasional absences from classes are unavoidable; however, the continuity of the program can and should be maintained by guest teachers who are well versed in the policies, procedures, and expectations of the school and classroom.
Guest (Substitute) Teacher and Guest Assistant applications are currently being accepted
Apply today!
To learn more about the District and why you should choose CCPS click the "We are CCPS" icon below!