Parent Resources
EL Program Brochure: English Spanish Haitian Creole
Book Buddy: Spanish/English Haitian Creole/English
Access for ELLs:Parent/Guardian Guide to the Individual Student Report, Grades KG-12:Parent/Guardian Guide to the Alternate Access for ELLS Score Report:2023 Parent Training Links:Parent Meeting: January 11, 2024Recording Link:Password: NujixPB6
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recording link: Community Summer Activities - Spanish/EnglishPassword: eF3b3WCm---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
History of the ESOL Program
The English For Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program of the District School Board of Collier County has been serving students from multicultural backgrounds since 1984. Monolingual and bilingual staff (administrators, teachers, and tutors) assist ELL students and their parents. To assist ELL and Immigrant students, through the auspices of the Title III grant funds, they have access to research-based programs to support them in improving their English Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP), Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS), English, reading and writing skill acquisitions.
About English for Speakers of Other Languages Programs
- Training models are available for administrators, teachers and paraprofessionals in 18, 60 & 300 hours.
- Students in grades K-12 who meet the eligibility requirements participate in the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program.
- Students entering CCPS are identified through responses to the Language Survey Questions on the Registration Form: What is the first language? What is the main language? and What is the home language of the student?
- Students are screened for ESOL services through the Aural-Oral, Reading/Writing and/or ELL Committee if they answer “yes” to any of the questions on the Language Survey.
- Students are classified, placed and offered programmatic instruction based on the assessment and ELL Committee recommendation.
- Students placed in the program are assessed at least once a year to determine if they exit or continue in the program.
- After students exit, they are followed up for a two-year period to ensure academic progress.
- Parents may examine the Florida State Standards at any of the schools in Collier County.
- The staff of CCPS organizes activities, and presentations to promote the American culture while also validating cultures represented.
The ESOL Program teaches English for Speakers of Other Languages through various program models.
The Immersion Model places ELL students into monolingual English classrooms with special support and assistance in heritage language from tutors or teachers.
The Sheltered Academic Instruction Model teaches regular content area courses in ways designed to make them comprehensible to ELL students. Techniques include simplified speech contextualization, task function orientation, computer assisted instruction and interactional activities.
The ELL Instruction Model provides English instruction for the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills of non-English speaking students through the Language Arts curriculum.
Program Goals- Provide appropriate identification, assessment and placement of ELL students.
- Provide staff development to enhance English instruction in both ELL and content area courses.
- Encourage parental involvement in the education of ELL students.
- Provide the training of personnel.
- Provide equal access to all educational programs including gifted.