- Immokalee Technical College
- How to Enroll
Intrested in enrollment? The information below will guide you step-by-step through the application process. Call 239-377-9900 if you have any questions or need assistance.
Form Links
Admissions Process
Step 1: Complete an iTECH Application
Conveniently apply to our college:
- If you are an adult student who wants to apply at iTECH/iTECH Glades/CME fill out the Online Application.
- If you are a high school student who wants to dual enroll at iTECH/iTECH Glades/CME fill out the Dual Enrollment Application.
Pay the application fee
The application fee is $40, non-refundable.
If you have any questions about the application or admissions, feel free to email
MartinRe@collierschools.com or contact us at 239-377-9900.
Step 2: Florida Residency for Tuition Purposes
Qualification for in-state tuition rates
To qualify for in-state tuition iTECH requires all students to provide:
- Must have established legal residence in Florida.
- Must have maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months immediately prior to the first day of class.
Exceptions to this criterion are noted in 1009.21, 2 (a), 10 of Florida Statutes.
Appeals Process for Residency Determination
A student who wants to appeal his or her residency determination may request a meeting of the iTECH Residency Appeal Committee. This three-member committee will review the documentation, meet with the student, and will render a final residency determination in writing and will advise the student of the reasons for the determination.
Non-Inclusive Summary of Residency for Tuition Purposes Rules Required:
Two (2) documents from the list of approved residency documents
These documents must establish that the applicant (or the parent of a dependent applicant), has resided in the state of Florida for the 12 consecutive months prior to enrollment at iTECH. The documents must be dated, issued, or filed at least 12 months prior to the first day of enrollment. At least one of the two residency documents must be from the Tier 1 list. Students under age 24 must either provide a parent/guardian’s residency documents or prove that they are INDEPENDENT and provide their own residency documents.
Required to establish INDEPENDENCE
- Marriage license or divorce decree
- Military Discharge Papers (DD214)
- Proof of at least $10,957 income not including financial aid/scholarships; applicant may not be claimed on anyone else’s tax forms 25
- Have a dependent child and/or proof of DCF aid
Tier 1 Residency Documents – At least one of the two required documents must be from the Tier 1 list
- Florida Driver’s License
- Florida Vehicle Registration
- Florida Voter Registration Card
- Florida Vehicle Registration Card
- Proof of Florida Homestead Exemption
- Transcripts from a Florida high school for multiple years
- Proof of purchase of a permanent home in Florida that is occupied as a permanent residence (e.g. warranty deed)
- Paystubs showing at least 30 hours per week in Florida for the previous 12 consecutive months on official company letterhead from the employer verifying the previous twelve (12) consecutive months of employment in Florida.
Tier 2 Residency Documents
- Benefit histories from Florida agencies or public assistance programs covering the required 12-month period
- An official state, federal, or court document showing legal ties to Florida for the required 12-month period
- Florida professional or occupational license
- Florida incorporation documents at least 1-year-old
- Proof of membership in a Florida-based charitable organization, such as a church, or a professional organization – on letterhead, verifying the 12-month membership period
- Utility bills and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments
- A lease or rent agreement and 12 consecutive months of payments
- Declaration of domicile in Florida, issued 12 months before enrollment date
Step 3: Submit Official Transcripts
High School Transcripts
To request your high school transcripts
- Contact your previous high school’s guidance office or Board of Education.
- Transcripts must be in a sealed envelope.
- Many high schools use online transcript services. Check with your high school for more information.
- Request your transcripts to be emailed to our iTECH student services secretaries at:
To request a High School Equivalency (GED®) Transcripts:
- Visit ged.com
College Transcripts
If you have attended college before, you are required to send in all college transcripts. To request your college transcripts:
- Please contact your former college for instructions.
- Many colleges use online transcript services. Check with your college to find out.
- Request your transcripts to be emailed to our iTECH student services secretaries at:
NOTE: If the transcript is in a language other than English, provide official English translations of all secondary and post-secondary records and evaluations of those records by an approved independent evaluation service. Applicants must pay the costs of having their records translated and/or evaluated. At a minimum, applicants must have the equivalent of a high school diploma for most programs. If an applicant has an associate degree or a baccalaureate degree, a high school transcript is not required. After applicants submit this documentation, the Student Services Office will evaluate their application material.
Step 4: Schedule and take the Basic Skills test (if not exempt)
Having your test scores helps us make sure we give you the best chance of success. Immokalee Technical College is committed to assisting each student to achieve their maximum potential.
All students applying for a certificate program or adult general education program must be assessed prior to acceptance to a program of study at iTECH.
Schedule and take the Basic Skills test (if not exempt): MartinRe@collierschools.com
Additional Required Testing:
- Heavy Equipment Technicians/Automotive Tech/Machining/ Construction: Applicants must take the Bennett Mechanical Aptitude test and possibly meet with an iTECH administrator for an interview.
- Practical Nursing: Applicants must take the TEAS test (additional charges apply), complete a written essay, and meet with the iTECH director of Health Science.
- Students applying for Health Science programs (PCT and Nursing Assistant Articulated) are required to take the TEAS test.
Step 5: Meet with a Workforce Education Advisor
What We Do - Workforce Education Advisor
- Assist students with career goals
- Provide information to guide your decision to choose a program that is right for you
- Administer a Career interest Inventory
- Assist with the enrollment process
- Provide financial aid information
- Share information about community resources
Once accepted into a Career Technical Education program, an iTECH advisor will email you a conditional letter of acceptance. Follow the directions in your conditional letter of acceptance and meet with an advisor. Tuition and lab fees will be due 2 weeks before the start of the semester.
Please submit the following documents to the Student Services Office:
- Pay School Insurance
- Order uniforms (if applicable)
- Order books, tools, kits and anything your program may require
Contact Student Services
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