• Saff and faculty of the month banner

    iTECH staff/faculty play an important role in the lives of our students, families, and the community. Each month we recognize one outstanding iTECH staff/faculty member and highlight his/her achievements.

    The iTECH Staff/Faculty Member of the Month Award has been established to recognize outstanding people who serve iTECH in an exceptional manner by exemplifying outstanding dedication, professionalism, and work. Those receiving these awards will be nominated by the students, administrators, and colleagues for excellence in their role here at iTECH.

    The iTECH Staff/Faculty Member of the Month will receive recognition in our iTECH monthly newsletter and will be listed on the iTECH website.

    iTECH Staff/Faculty Member of the Month Criteria:

    • Motivation – having the ability to motivate and encourage students/colleagues to advance past their expectation both academically and socially.
    • Excellence in the classroom or in her/his job – consistently advancing students to higher levels of academic achievement.
    • Dedication – showing excellent attendance, punctuality and a desire to see their students advance
    • Initiative – a willingness to accept new responsibility, methods, equipment, and tools.