• Check out this page for graduation requirements and college assistance! 

  • Common App

    Many students begin this process as early as August. It is a place to apply to several colleges at once. Here is the link to create an account. Remember to invite your counselor to do their part as well.



  • Navigating College Admissions during your Senior Year in High School



    • Limit your list of colleges to 10 or less. There should be safe schools through reach schools on the list. College board has a tool to help: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/college-search/filters Also, you could win a $500 just by doing what College Board suggests monthly to prepare for college through Big Futures.
    • Begin your Common App account, if you need to apply through this. https://apply.commonapp.org/createaccount?m=78
    • Draft your college essays. Be sure you leave time for edits.
    • Create a timeline specific to your deadlines as this is simply a guide. It should include, but not be limited to: tests you need to take with their fees, dates, and registration deadlines, college application timelines and due dates, financial aid application and their deadlines (keep in mind financial aid sometimes needs to be complete prior to college applications), and when transcripts need to be sent (some universities want the beginning, middle, and end of your senior year).
    • Apply to take the SAT, ACT or CLT again, if necessary for admission or scholarships. The latest you should take it for Early Decision is October. See your counselor if you think you may qualify for a fee waiver to help you pay for the test. It may also help with some college applications costs (not all universities do this). Remember to send your scores to the universities you are considering!

    SAT: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/registration                                                                                      ACT: https://my.act.org/account/signin?location=https://my.act.org

    CLT: https://www.cltexam.com/tests/clt



    • Create your FAFSA ID, if you have not already done so: https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch
    • Complete a CSS Profile if needed by the universities you have chosen. You can find it through the College Board: https://cssprofile.collegeboard.org
    • Ask your counselor for an unofficial transcript to be certain of the course work to help with self-reporting your grades.
    • Secure letters of recommendation from teachers, coaches, and employers who would write an excellent review for you. Be sure to send them a thank you note afterward!



    • Apply for Financial Aid- Some student aid programs are first come first served, so it is important to apply early. This is done through the FAFSA but check to see if there is more to do for your university
    • Complete applications, if you are applying for Early Decision. Save your applications!



    • Stay on top of Deadlines. Many early decision colleges have Nov. 1 as the deadline for all application materials to be submitted. This is many not all- BE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR DEADLINES and meet them with plenty of time.
    • Have at least one application completed by the end of the month if you did not apply by early decision. Save it!
    • If you are interested in scholarships, you should have your applications in by the end of December, as many of them want to you know have been admitted to a college or university, not just applied to one.



    • Visit universities if you have not already done so. You should always visit a university prior to accepting an offer.





    • Local scholarships continue to open, and some begin to close at the end of the month.
    • Financial Aid offers begin to come.



    • Continue to watch for Financial Aid offers and compare colleges/ universities for the best package.
    • Stay involved in high school activities and coursework, as some schools may rescind offers if grades change dramatically in semester 2.



    • It is time to make a final decision if you have not made an early decision. You need to watch for communications from your school as deposits, forms, and housing application are all due before the Fall.
    • Inform all colleges/universities of your final decision to come to their institute of learning or not. This includes their financial aid offer.
    • If you are waitlisted for a university, stay in communication with them. Ask them how to strengthen your application and if there will be financial aid funds available if you are accepted.



    • Graduate high school. Be sure that you complete the Senior Survey from the district, as that is how Lorenzo Walker knows how to send your official transcript.
    • Send your first enrollment deposit after you receive your admission letter. These are traditionally non-refundable.
    • Apply for Bright Futures if you have not already done so. A list of scholarships and the link to the application: https://www.floridastudentfinancialaidsg.org/SAPHome/SAPHome?url=home



    • Attend an orientation and register for your classes.
    • Pay your bill or have arrangements made with the financial aid department about the payments and work that you will be doing.


    The presentation from Senior Parent Night can be found below!   

  • Help Applying for College

    Looking for hands-on support with your college applications? Schoolhouse.world is a non-profit started by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, that provides free College Admissions Workshops. The workshops are run by current college students and cover specific topics such as essay writing and completing the college application. Create a free account at schoolhouse.world/college-admissions!

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