Cambridge AICE Diploma

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  • Cambridge AICE Diploma Credits 

    The AICE diploma must be completed within three years.

    Learners must achieve at least one credit from each of Groups 1, 2 and 3. A maximum of two credits can count from Group 4, which is optional.

    To achieve the Diploma, all learners will also need to study and pass the revised Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research (9239). This skills-based course challenges learners to think critically, analyse evidence and compare perspectives. The learning is assessed through a team project and presentation as well as a written examination.


    Learners must pass a total of 7 AICE courses and the corresponding exams to receive the diploma.



    Lely Courses Offered

    My Selection

    Year Taken

    Group 1: Mathematics and Sciences

    • Math Prob & Stats
    • Marine



    Group 2: Languages

    • English Lang

    2. English Lang


    Group 3: Arts and Humanities

    • Euro History
    • Music
    • Physical Education
    • Media
    • Travel & Tourism

    3. Euro History


    Group 4: Interdisciplinary subjects (optional)

    • Thinking Skills
    • General Paper



    Mandatory Course

    • Global Perspectives

    5. Global Perspectives


    AICE Elective

    • Choose one from the courses listed above



    AICE Elective

    • Choose one from the courses listed above
