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- Lorenzo Walker Technical High
- Dual Enrollment Textbooks & Materials
Fall 2024 Dual Enrollemnt
There is a new voucher system this year. Please make sure to check the media center Canvas page and submit any requests there! Any books received through a voucher must be returned to the media center once the semester concludes.
Summer Dual Enrollment Materials
To any students who have signed up for the summer semester: Please bring your textbook requests DIRECTLY to FSW.
Unlike Fall and Spring semesters, you will go to their bookstore BEFORE MAY 9TH (outlined in the paper directions given to you), and they will fill your request. All books borrowed through the FSW bookstore will be returned to the FSW bookstore at the end of the summer semester!
If you need any help finding textbooks, feel free to check out the video posted under the "DE Textbooks" module in the Bi-Weekly Check-In course on Canvas or stop by the media center and Mrs. Thompson would be happy to help!Please reach out with any questions to Mrs. Thompson via Canvas, through the email, or head directly to the media center! Thank you!
Spring Dual Enrollment Materials
It's that time of year! Time to return the items borrowed for the Spring Semester.
Please return all Dual Enrollment Materials (textbooks, calculators, so on) from Spring 2024 to the LWTHS Media Center, room 4-107.
Make sure you are not just placing it in the "return" box in the hall, and actually handing it to Mrs. Thompson. Placing it in the return box provides her the book, but doesn't tell her who it belonged to, which is nearly impossible to figure out with over 100 requests going out per semester. Again, to avoid fines appearing on your account, directly bring your DE materials to Mrs. Thompson.
Additionally, any students who were provided with ALL DIGITAL materials (example: MyLab Statistics) must do the following. Please copy the message below, but with a list of the digital materials you received for the semester, and send it directly to Mrs. Thompson via Canvas or her email:
"All of my FSW materials were online and/or digital, so I have nothing to return.
Materials List:
-Connect Access for Macroeconomics
-The Humanities Reveal Access Card."
Of course, if she receives a message and notices something else needs to be returned from your account, she will communicate that to you. This should save some people a trip to the high school and make the process go much quicker.
Failure to follow the guidelines above will result in your DE materials being marked missing, and a fine added to your account!