The Verification of Experience Form must be received by the Human Resources’ Compensation Office no later than the end of the month one year from the date of hire in order for the employee to receive credit for the previous work related experience. (Example: An employee hired on August 5, 2005, has until August 31, 2006, to get the Verification of Experience Form to the district’s Compensation Office.) Once approved by the Compensation Office, the experience will be retroactive to the employee’s date of hire. It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure the completed information is received by the Compensation Office within the above-stated timeframe; otherwise, the employee has a maximum of two years to submit the Verification of Experience form and the experience credit will only be retroactive to the beginning of the fiscal year in which the completed information is received by the district’s Compensation Office.
Please note: If the Verification of Experience Form is received in the Human Resources’ Compensation Office after the employee has separated employment from the school district, the employee will not be given credit and will not be compensated for this experience.
Rehired employees can only submit additional outside experience verification forms for experience that occurred after their most recent separation date.
For specific information regarding experience forms and salary placement information, please review the links below: