Title I, Part C
Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.
Telephone (239)377-0560 * Fax (239)377-0561
Abel Jaimes, Executive Director, Federal, State, and Competitive Grants
Diana Holden, Director, Federal, State, and Competitive Grants
Josefina Brea, Coordinator, ESSA Programs
Marlene Dimas, Coordinator, ESSA Programs
Maricela Pineda, Manager ESSA, Migrant Data
Dr. Courtney Zmach, Director, Research, Evaluation & Grant Development
OverviewTitle I Migrant education is a federally-funded program that assists selected local school districts in providing supplemental education services needed by migratory children. The program helps children develop oral and written language, and other communication skills. It also focuses on reading, mathematics, and other core subjects to improve student achievement. Coordinated supportive services may also be provided.Program Element*Education Services
*Supportive Program Services
*Parent Involvement Opportunities
*Coordinated Resources and Services