• Out-of-State Teachers and Administrators – Reciprocity

    Florida has two reciprocity routes for out-of-state certified teachers and administrators to qualify for a Professional Certificate.

    Route 1:  Valid Standard Certificate Issued by a State Other than Florida

    1. Your out-of-state certificate must be a standard or Level II certificate
    2. Your out-of-state certificate must be currently valid (not expired or revoked)
    3. The subject(s) shown on your out-of-state certificate must be considered comparable to subject(s) issued in Florida

    Route 2Certificate Issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)

    1. The NBPTS certificate must be currently valid.
    2. The Florida certificate will reflect the Florida subject considered comparable to the NBPTS subject.

    To Begin the Process

    • If you feel you meet the requirements for one of the reciprocity routes, you should apply for a Florida Professional Certificate:
      1. Complete the online application with the Florida Department of Education (DOE) in the same subject(s) shown on your valid out-of-state certificate or NBPTS certificate.
      2. Send official transcripts showing all degrees and credits to the DOE.
      3. Send a copy of your valid out-of-state certificate to the DOE, regardless of whether you have recently taught in that state.   Be sure that your social security number or Florida DOE # is shown on each page you submit.
      4. When the DOE application is complete, it will be evaluated to determine eligibility for a Florida certificate.  The result of that determination will be mailed to you as an Official Statement of Status of Eligibility.   (Determination may take 4-8 weeks).
      5. Complete  the Collier County Public Schools on line application.
      6. After you have obtained a position with CCPS your fingerprints will be sent to the DOE and the Professional certificate will be issued.  (CCPS will only send fingerprints to the DOE once you have obtained a position within our District.) 

    •  If you no longer hold a valid certificate from another state or NBPTS, you should apply for a Florida Temporary Certificate:
      1. Complete the online application with the Florida Department of Education (DOE) in your bachelor’s or higher degree major or in a subject area of your teacher education program.
      2. Send official transcripts showing all degrees and credits to the DOE.
      3. When your DOE application is complete, it will be evaluated to determine eligibility for a Florida certificate.  The result of that determination will be mailed to you as an Official Statement of Status of Eligibility.  The Official Statement of Status of Eligibility will state whether or not “you are eligible” and a list of requirements you must complete to be issued a certificate in Florida.  (Determination may take 4-8 weeks).
      4. Take the Florida subject area examination in your subject area.
      5. Complete the Collier County Public Schools on line application.
      6. After you have obtained a position with CCPS your fingerprints will be sent to the DOE and the Professional certificate will be issued.  (CCPS will only send fingerprints to the DOE once you have obtained a position within our District.) 

    Need help determining the Florida subject that matches your out-of-state certificate? Florida certification subjects