School |
Twitter Account |
Facebook Account |
Avalon Elementary (AVE) |
@AVEDragonStrong |
@ccpsave |
Big Cypress Elementary (BCE) |
@BCEBobcat |
@ccpsbce |
Calusa Park Elementary (CPE) |
@blackbearsroar |
@ccpscpe |
Corkscrew Elementary (CES) |
@CESCorkyBear |
@ccpsces |
Eden Park Elementary (EPE) |
@EPEBobcats |
@ccpsepe |
Estates Elementary (EES) |
@EESpanthers |
@ccpsees |
Golden Gate Elementary (GGE) |
@GGESeagulls |
@ccpsgge |
Golden Terrace Elementary (GTE) |
@GTEToucans |
@ccpsgte |
Herbert Cambridge Elementary (HCE) |
@HCEOtters |
@ccpshce |
Highlands Elementary (HLE) |
@HLELeaderInMe |
@ccpehle |
Lake Park Elementary (LPE) |
@LPEPanthers |
@LPEPanthers |
Lake Trafford Elementary (LTE) |
@LearningatLTE |
@LearningatLTE |
Laurel Oak Elementary (LOE) |
@LaurelOakElem |
@ccpsloe |
Lavern Gaynor Elementary (LGE) |
@lgeseaturtles |
@ccpslge |
Lely Elementary (LES) |
@LelyLionsRoar |
@LelyLions |
Manatee Elementary (MES) |
@ManateeCCPS |
@ccpsmes |
Mike Davis Elementary (MDE) |
@MDE_Stars |
@ccpsmde |
Naples Park Elementary (NPE) |
@NPESharks |
@NPESharks |
Osceola Elementary (OES) |
@OESChiefs |
@OESChiefs |
Palmetto Elementary (PLE) |
@PLEgators |
@PLEgators |
Parkside Elementary (PSE) |
@ParksideProud |
@ParksideProud |
Pelican Marsh Elementary (PME) |
@PMEPelicans |
@PMEPelicans |
Pinecrest Elementary (PCR) |
@PinecrestSOARS |
@ccpspcr |
Poinciana Elementary (PES) |
@PoincianaCCPS |
@PoincianaCCPS |
Sabal Palm Elementary (SPE) |
@SPEHawksNaples |
@ccpsspe |
Sea Gate Elementary (SGE) |
@SeaGateES |
@SeaGateES |
Shadowlawn Elementary (SLE) |
@SLESeahawks |
@ccpssle |
Tommie Barfield Elementary (TBE) |
@TommieBarfield |
@TommieBarfieldES |
Veterans Memorial Elementary (VME) |
@VMEPatriots |
@VMEPatriots |
Village Oaks Elementary (VOE) |
@VOEPanthers |
@ccpsvoe |
Vineyards Elementary (VES) |
@VineyardsVipers |
@ccpsves |
Corkscrew Middle (CMS) |
@CorkscrewMiddle |
@CCPScmshawks |
Cypress Palm Middle (CPM) |
@CypressPalm |
@CPMSabrecats |
East Naples Middle (ENM) |
@ENMGators |
@ENMGators |
Golden Gate Middle (GGM) |
Gulfview Middle (GVM) |
@GulfviewMiddle |
@GulfviewMiddle |
Immokalee Middle (IMS) |
@IMS_Indians |
@IMSIndians |
Manatee Middle (MMS) |
@ccpsmms |
North Naples Middle (NNM) |
@NNMSWildcats |
@NorthNaplesMiddle |
Oakridge Middle (OMS) |
@OMS_Bulldogs |
@oakridgebulldogs |
Pine Ridge Middle (PRM) |
@PRMPanthers |
@ccpsprm |
Barron Collier High (BCH) |
@BarronCollier |
@ccpsbch |
Everglades City (EVG) |
@Team_EVG |
@ccpsevg |
Golden Gate High (GGH) |
@GGHS_Titans |
@ccpsggh |
Gulf Coast High (GCH) |
@GCSharks |
@ccpsgch |
Immokalee High (IHS) |
@Indians_IHS |
@ccpsihs |
Lely High (LHS) |
@WeAreLely |
@ccpslhs |
Lorenzo Walker Tech High (LWTH) |
@LWTHSMustangs |
@ccpslwh |
Naples High (NHS) |
@NaplesHS |
@ccpsnhs |
Palmetto Ridge High (PRH) |
@PalmettoRidgeHS |
@ccpsprh |
Immokalee Technical College |
@iTECH_College |
@iTechTechnicalCollege |
Lorenzo Walker Tech College |
@LWTechCollege |
@ccpslwtc |
District Accounts |
Career and Technical Education |
Facilities |
@Build_CCPS |
Fine Arts Department |
@CollierFineArts |
Health, PE, and Driver Education |
Human Resources |
Instructional Innovation |
@ccpsII |
NAF Academies |
Nutrition Services Department |
@CCPSNutrition |
Parent Academy |
@CCPSParentAC |
Professional Learning |
@CCPSiLearn |
Science Department |
@CollierScience |
Secondary English Language Arts |
STEAM Resources |
@ccpsSTEAM |
Teaching and Learning |
@CCPS_Curriculum |
Title 1 Department |
@CCPSTitle1 |