
New Application and Examination Fee Waiver effective July 1, 2024If you hold a valid Florida teaching certificate in Elementary Ed K-6, the new waiver will allow you to waive the application and examination fee to add ESE K-12 (Exceptional Student Education) to your certificate.If you hold a valid Florida teaching certificate in ESE K-12 (Exceptional Student Education), the new waiver will allow you to waive the application and examination fee to add Elementary Ed K-6 to your certificate.To take advantage of this fee waiver, you are required to apply and obtain waiver approval from the DOE before registering to take an exam for Elementary Education K-6 or ESE K-12 and applying to add the additional subject coverage to your certificate. CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR DOE WAIVER.Collier County Public Schools is committed to meeting the educational needs of every student by hiring quality, highly-qualified teachers. The Certification Department serves as a liaison between CCPS and the Florida Department of Education to ensure compliance with state statutes and rules relative to education certification.The information found on this website is intended to provide helpful information regarding Florida certification and employment with Collier County Public Schools.
Seek Information Only From the Experts
Do not seek or accept certification information or guidance from persons other than those representatives within the CCPS Certification Office and/or the Florida Department of Education's Bureau of Educator Certification Office.
Maintaining Your Certificate
A Florida Educator Certificate is a professional license to teach. It is each educator's responsibility to comply with Florida Statutes governing educator certification. Each Florida school district has trained certification specialists in their personnel office. If you are seeking employment with CCPS, our certification staff can assist you with certification information.