Teenagers as Parents Program Immokalee
TAPP Immokalee
Immokalee High School
701 Immokalee Drive Building 5, Immokalee, FL 34142
Phone: (239) 377-1169 or (239) 377-1165
Fax: (239) 377-1166Mission: Opened in August 1989 to provide individualized education and support services for pregnant teenagers or teenage parents to graduate from high school; students may re-enter the traditional school program at any time.
Students: Enrollment averages 30 for grades 5-12 students with approx. 22 babies/toddlers in child care.
Contract for Child Care: Guadalupe Center
All students enrolled in a TAP Program are required by statute to take a Parenting Course. Students are pre-tested upon enrollment and post-tested upon completion. This year, all 15 of the students enrolled in the course at Immokalee TAPP demonstrated improvement in parenting skills upon completion.Highlights:
- 77% of girls who were served by TAPP Immokalee within the past three years are still in school or graduated.
- Nine (9) girls who graduated this school year earned a standard high school diploma.