Hello CPE Families! My name is Stacy Hamburg (Mrs. H).
I am the School Counselor for Calusa Park Elementary.
Areas of support that I offer as a School Counselor:
- Bereavement/Grief
- Social Skills
- Adjusting to Divorce or Family Changes
- Anger Management and Self-Control
- Reducing Anxiety
Small Group Counseling sessions are offered as schedules permit.
Buddy Bench and Friendship Ambassadors
Every CCPS Elementary school has two blue Buddy Benches on Campus.
These benches are available for students to be able to sit down when feeling left out or lonely during recess. Friendship Ambassador, watch for students sitting on the benches to invite the students to play.
The most effective Bully Prevention Program is a Pro-Kindness Initiative.
Calusa Park strives to recognize and celebrate acts of Kindness throughout our school every day.
Contact information for Mrs. H
(239) 377-6416