Walkers & Bikers

  • Walkers

    Students who walk to school should always use the sidewalk. They are to cross at the designated area on Airport Pulling Road where the crossing guard is stationed.
  • Bikers

    All bicycle riders should obey directions of the safety patrol and the crossing guards. Students are to walk their bikes on the school property. Riders must park their bicycles in the racks on the north side of the building. All bicycle riders are required to use a lock on their bicycles while being parked at school. Florida law requires all bicycle riders to wear safety helmets when riding to and from school. The privilege of riding a bicycle to school may be restricted if safety rules are not followed.
  • Rainy Days

    If it is raining hard or there is lightning at dismissal time, children who normally ride bicycles or walk may not leave the school unless parents pick them up or the weather subsides. Parents may choose to pick up their children in the event of rain, contacting the office through usual procedures.