What are the dates for the 2025 Open Enrollment and Benefits Fairs?

  • Benefits and Wellness Fairs:
    Thursday, October 3, 2024 - iTECH (7 - 11AM)
    Saturday, October 5, 2024 - Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. Admin Center (8 - 11 AM)
  • 2025 Open Enrollment:
    Monday, September 30th through Friday, October 25th


What are the enrollment options this year?

  • Self-enrollment
  • Enroller assisted via telephone
  • In person - meet with an enroller at the Benefits & Wellness Fairs (see dates and locations above)



How do I begin my self-enrollment?

  • Go to the Open Enrollment website at www.collierschools.com/openenrollment

  • Click on the Benefits Enrollment tab

  • Select Self-enrollment



How do I do my enrollment through the CCPS Portal?

  • Click on the CCPS Portal icon on your desktop and select My Benefits

  • Click Begin 2025 Enrollment



I need assistance with my enrollment. How do I schedule an appointment with an enroller?

  • Go to the Open Enrollment website at www.collierschools.com/openenrollment
  • Click on the Benefits Enrollment tab
  • Select Enroller Assisted



Do I have to enroll on a specific date?

    No. If you are doing self-enrollment, you can enroll anytime between September 30 and October 25. If you want to do telephonic/enroller-assisted enrollment, you must schedule an appointment ahead of time. In either scenario, you must complete your enrollment by midnight, Friday, October 25.



Are my enrollment elections effective immediately?

    No, this Open Enrollment is for your 2025 benefits. Your elections will be effective January 1, 2025.



Where can I review my current benefits?

    To review your current benefits statement, visit your Employee Portal at https://portal.collierschools.com/. Select Staff, then My Benefits and click on the "current year benefits" icon on the top left corner of the workbook.



Can I make changes after Open Enrollment ends?

    No. Changes are not allowed after Open Enrollment ends. We encourage you to review your 2025 Benefits Statement prior to the end of Open Enrollment. You will receive a copy of your Statement in an email after you complete your enrollment. If it is after October 25th and there are errors, immediately contact the Benefits and Wellness Office. Once deductions begin, errors cannot be corrected.


What if there is an error on my benefits?

    If you find the error after October 25th , immediately contact the Benefits and Wellness Office. Once deductions begin, errors cannot be corrected.


When will my 2025 deductions start?

    The deductions for your 2025 benefits begin with the second paycheck in January, which is January 24th.


What happens to my benefits if I don't participate in Open Enrollment?

  • Your 2024 benefits will roll to 2025 (Except FSA).


I have questions on the medical coverage. Who can I talk to?

  • Go to the Benefits Fair website at www.collierschools.com/benefitsfair
  • Click on the green "Medical" tab (to the right)



Who can I talk to about the medical and dependent Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)?

  • Go to the Benefits Fair website at www.collierschools.com/benefitsfair
  • Click on the green "FSA" tab (on the right).



I need help enrolling in worksite benefits. Who can I talk to?

    For the Universal Life Insurance worksite benefit, you must schedule a telephonic enrollment.
    • Go to the Open Enrollment website at www.collierschools.com/openenrollment
    • Click on Benefits Enrollment tab
    • Select Enroller Assisted



When would be my next opportunity to make benefit changes if I don't participate in OE?

    You will be able to make mid-year benefit changes if you experience a Permissible Enrollment Event. Go to https://www.collierschools.com/Page/17064 to review the list of eligible events.



What are worksite benefits?

    Worksite benefits (Accident, Critical Illness, Hospital and Universal Life insurance) require a licensed insurance agent to enroll, dis-enroll or make changes. Our enrollment company has licensed agents available by phone to assist you.



HELP! I can't log into the Portal. What do I do?

    Contact the Technology Help Desk at 377-0445 or email helpdesk@collierschools.com.



I need more information about each of the benefits. Where can I get more detailed information?

    Go to the main Benefits website at www.collierschools.com/benefits.



I enrolled in disability. How do I submit Evidence of Insurability (EOI)?

    If you made an election or change that requires Evidence of Insurability (EOI), you will received an invitation to apply to your work email from The Standard. A link and log on instructions will be included in the invitation to access. The application will contain prefilled personal information and elected amounts for ease in completion. The deadline to submit the completed EOI will be 30 days from the date you receive the invitation to apply from the vendor.



What does it mean if a benefit on my 2025 Benefits Statement says "Pending"?

    This means the coverage has to be reviewed and approved by a licensed underwriter. An Evidence of Insurability (EOI) application is needed. You will be contacted by the Provider as to whether your application for the benefit has been approved/not approved. No deductions will be taken until the Provider has approved your eligibility.



What is the deadline for completing the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) ?

    The deadline to submit the completed EOI will be 30 days from the date you receive the invitation to apply from the vendor.



How do I change my life insurance beneficiary?

    During the Open Enrollment period (September 30th - October 25th) you may change your beneficiary when doing your self enrollment via the Employee Portal or by using the Enroller assisted via telephone. After the Open Enrollment period is over, email your beneficiary changes to benefits@collierschools.com.



Is there a benefits summary document I can print?

    Yes, follow these steps:
  • Go to the Open Enrollment website at www.collierschools.com/openenrollment
  • Click Documents
  • Click Benefits Guide
  • Download the guide by clicking on the black box with the arrow
  • Print the Guide



What are Tax Sheltered Annuities (403b, 457b), how do I enroll, change or stop contributions?

    Go to the Tax Sheltered Annuities website at https://www.collierschools.com/Page/553 for information on how to enroll, make changes or stop contributions on a current account.


How do I contribute to United Way or Champions for Learning?

  • To set up payroll deduction for United Way go to https://uwcollierkeys.org/collier-county-public-schools/
  • To set up payroll deduction for Champions for Learning go to https://championsforlearning.org/ccps/



How can I change my address?

    You can change your address by completing an Address Change Form. To locate the form follow below steps:
  • Go to the Open Enrollment website at www.collierschools.com/openenrollment
  • Click Documents
  • Click Address Change
  • Complete the form and send to compensation@collierschools.com



I want to participate in a Benefits Fair live workshops. Where do I find this?

  • Go to the Benefits Fair website at: www.collierschools.com/benefitsfair
  • Click on Benefits Fairs
  • Click on Fair Activities



    How am I eligible to receive a Fair giveaway?

      To be eligible for one of the giveaways, you must complete the Survey or attend one of the fairs:
    • To complete the survey: Go to the Open Enrollment website at www.collierschools.com/openenrollment
    • Click "Survey"
        You can include your name and contact information (this is used for prize notification only). If you prefer not to include your name, after completing the survey, send an email to Benefits@collierschools.com indicating you have completed the survey. Drawings will be done at the completion of Open Enrollment and winners will be notified.



    I'd like to complete the survey. Where do I find it?

    • Go to the Open Enrollment website at www.collierschools.com/openenrollment
    • Click Survey



    Where can I print a temporary medical card?

    • Go to your CCPS Portal at https://portal.collierschools.com/
    • Click "My Benefits"
    • Scroll down the workbook and find your medical benefit
    • Click "Medical Card"



    Will I receive a new medical ID card for 2025?

      New Medical ID cards will only be issued to employees changing Pathways or changing dependents.



    How do I participate in Pathways to Enhanced Health?

      Your activities for participation depend on if you were born in an EVEN or ODD birth year and what Pathway you are in as of January 1st. Visit the Pathways Program website for more information at https://www.collierschools.com/Page/531.