• School Hours:

    School Hours are 8:25-2:50. Please do not drop children off before 8:00 when supervision is provided. 



    Visitors are welcome in our school at all times. We do require that visitors report to the school office upon entering the building. For the safety of our students, all visitors will be required to show their driver's license and be checked in through the fast pass system. When leaving, you must stop in the office on the way out to check out. Please honor learning time by only coming in for scheduled visits, conferences, or volunteer hours.


    ALL visitors must sign in through the main office and wear a Visitor Identification Badge at all times. 


    Change of Address: 

    It is very important, for emergency and administrative reasons that every child maintain an up-to-date address record at the school office. Notify the school immediately if you have a change of address or phone number during the school year. 


    Early Pick-Up:

    Parents who need to pick their child up during the school day should report to the office and sign out the child. The office will call for the child. Please inform the teacher by note if you are planning to pick your child up early. Please notify the office before 2:00 P.M., on the day early pick-up is necessary. If a child is to be picked up by someone other than a parent, advance arrangements must be made with the office. Positive identification is always required. 


    Partners in Education:

    Pelican Marsh Elementary recognizes that it takes all facets of the community to help educate our children. We encourage partnerships with our business community through the "Partners in Education" program through the Collier County Education Foundation. Through our business partners, we are able to offer additional opportunities for our children, enrich educational experiences and extend ourselves to the business world as a resource which in turn benefits everyone.  If you are interested in becoming a partner with Pelican Marsh, please call the office (337-7900). 



    Community and parent volunteers have become a very important part of the teaching program at many schools. We desire the same here at Pelican Marsh. Interested men and women are needed to share their time and talents. If you would like to become part of this worthwhile group and have not had the opportunity to sign up, please call the school office and let them know of your interest. You will be contacted by the School Volunteer Coordinator or their designee. 


    Parent Conferences:

    As we all work together to educate our children, we all need to communicate. If you should have questions, concerns, or need to discuss your child's progress, please e-mail your child’s teacher by clicking on their name on the Meet the Crew page, or leave a voicemail message by calling the office. Your child's teacher will call and set up an appointment. If at all possible please give the teacher at least one day notice, unless it is an emergency situation. The teachers' work hours are from 7:35 A.M. to 3:05 P.M. 


    "Wednesday Comminiqué" 

    A weekly communication packet will be sent home each Wednesday throughout the school year. The purpose of this packet is to provide a weekly means to let you know what special events and activities are taking place in our school. Some packets may contain samples of school work, newsletters, and other information. Parents are expected to sign the packet envelope and return it to school on Thursday morning. 


    School Advisory Council (SAC):

    This organization includes parents, teachers and community members who meet on a regular basis to discuss issues of concern to Pelican Marsh Elementary School. It will undertake the task of assembling a variety of informational materials on education, including theories, research and current trends. Once this has been done, the committee will make recommendations regarding educational priorities, to assist in assessing school needs, to help identify local resources and to assist in the preparation of the school improvement plan. This plan is designed to meet the state education goals and student performance standards. If you would like more information please contact the office.


    For BYOD parent resources, click the link.  http://https://www.collierschools.com/byod/