• The Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) End-of-Course (EOC) exam in Geometry will serve Gulf Coast High School students by measuring education gains and progress.

    Students to Be Tested 

    All students enrolled in and completing Algebra 1 must participate in the FSA Algebra 1 End of Course (EOC) exam. 

    In addition, the following students are eligible to participate in FSA EOC assessments: 

    • Students who have not yet taken an assessment to be averaged as 30% of their course grade.
    • Students who are in grade forgiveness programs and wish to retake an assessment to improve their course grade.
    • Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take the assessment to earn course credit.

    Also, SENIORS sitting in Geometry during their Senior year--either at GCHS or on FLVS--will need to take the Geometry EOC during the Winter State EOC window in order to get a grade prior to graduation.

    Test Administration Information 

    • The FSA EOC assessments are delivered via a computer-based test (CBT) platform.
    • Paper-based versions (regular print, large print, braille and one-item-per-page) of CBT assessments are provided for students with disabilities who cannot access assessments on the computer as specified in their Individual Educational Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan.
    • CBT accommodations (e.g., text-to-speech) are available for students whose IEP or Section 504 Plan indicate these accommodations.
    • Each assessment is administered in two 90-minute sessions over two days.
    • Any student not finished by the end of each 90-minute session may continue working for up to half the length of a typical school day.
    • There are multiple test forms for each assessment, with a maximum of 68 items on each test form.
    • Students are provided CBT Work Folders for each EOC session.
    • A scientific calculator is provided as part of the CBT platform for Session 2 only of FSA EOC assessments. The calculator is available for practice here. Please see the Calculator and Reference Sheet Policies for Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Mathematics Assessments for more information.

    Practice Tests 

    • Practice test materials allow you to become familiar with the various item types that will be encountered on the FSA, as well as the system, functionality and tools on FSA computer-based tests.
    • Computer-based and paper-based practice tests and answer keys for each assessment, as well as paper-based test item practice handouts, are available on the FSA Portal Practice Test page
    • Students are required to participate in a CBT practice test session at their school prior to testing unless they are retaking an assessment.
    • Districts may order paper-based large print or braille practice materials for students participating with these accommodations listed on their current IEP or 504 Plan.

    Achievement Levels and FSA Scale Scores

    Student performance on Florida’s statewide assessments is categorized into five achievement levels. Table 2 provides information regarding student performance at each achievement level; this information is provided on student reports so that students, parents and educators may interpret student results in a meaningful way.

    Achievement Levels

    Level 1

    Level 2

    Level 3

    Level 4

    Level 5

    Inadequate: Highly likely to need substantial support for the next grade

    Below Satisfactory: Likely to need substantial support for the next grade

    Satisfactory: May need additional support for the next grade

    Proficient: Likely to excel in the next grade

    Mastery: Highly likely to excel in the next grade



    Students should practice the technology enhanced items with the training tests - Hot Spots, Drag and Drop, Multi-select, Moveable Text, Table Response, & Equation Response.   

     Students should also be familiar with the On-Screen Scientific Calculator.   Click on the image below:


     Also, please use the Scientific Calculator Tutorial prior to taking the assessment.

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FSA Geometry EOC