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    Report Absences: (239) 377-1260

    General Concerns: (239) 377-1231

Bullying and Harassment

  • We take our school environment seriously at BCHS and really emphasize Showing Respect and Kindness in our expectations. If a student is being made to feel uncomfortable, we encourage that student to reach out to us here at Student Services. We will work with them to make them as comfortable as possible during your time at Barron Collier.  

    Examples of bullying and/or harassment are repeated and unwanted behaviors including but not limited to teasing, social exclusion, threats, intimidation, stalking, physical touch, public humiliation, and sexual/religious/racial derogatory comments. These examples may occur in person, via social media, in written form and/or virtually.  

    Some tips to help you when dealing with bullying and/or harassment:

    • The first thing that we ask you to do is to tell them to stop. 
    • Then do not engage them anymore--not in person and not via text/social media. 
    • “Block” them on social media platforms. 
    • Do not talk about the person to your peers in person, via text or social media, as this will escalate the situation. Please contact Mrs. Gersbach or Mr. Dawes in Student Services about the issue.  
    • If you have not spoken with Mrs. Gersbach or Mr. Dawes, then it has not been officially reported, so please be sure to see one of them.  


    Please notify Mrs. Gersbach or Mr. Dawes of any issues through Canvas email. Mrs. Gersbach is the primary contact for 9th and 11th graders and Mr. Dawes is the primary contact for 10th and 12th graders.  

    If you would like to report a bullying issue for yourself or for another student but prefer to remain anonymous, please follow this link: