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School Counseling
Meet the Counseling Staff
Ms. Melissa Hunter, School Counselor A-C (Director of Counseling)
239.377.1217 | hunterme@collierschools.com
Mrs. Rachael Lefever, School Counselor, D-J (Scholarship & Awards Support)
239.377.1219| lefevr@collierschools.com
Mr. Eric Diegel, School Counselor K-P (College Visits & NCAA)
239.377.1223 | diegeler@collierschools.com
Ms. Sara Sandman, School Counselor Q-Z (Scholarship & Awards Coordinator)
239.377.1218 | sandms@collierschools.com
Ms. Janice Moore, School Psychologist
239.377.3967| moorej@collierschools.com
Ms. Jill Cohen, LCSW - Licensed Mental Health Professional
239.377.0536| cohenj1@collierschools.com
Mrs. Stephanie Yonge, Counseling Secretary/Registrar
239.377.1216 | yonges@collierschools.com
Mrs. Laura Ochoa, Data Entry Clerk
239.377.1205 | ochoal@collierschools.com
Mrs. Sue Cautero, ESE Secretary
239.377.4671 | cautersu@collierschools.com
Mrs. Shay Rudnicki, ESE Specialist
239.377.2977 | rudnis@collierschools.com
Ms. Denyse Nickels, ESE Specialist
239.377.1211 | nicked@collierschools.com
Ms. Barbara Otero, ELL Tutor
239.377.1271| oteroba@collierschools.com
Mrs. Yolanda Heredia, ELL Tutor
239.377.2147 | herediayo@collierschools.com
Schedule Changes
Attention Sophomore, Juniors, and Seniors: if you are not sure what path to take after high school, sign up for the ASVAB on Tuesday, November 12 th. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is a free assessment to help students explore career occupations. Learn more about yourself and make better career decisions for your future. Sign up in the Counseling Office. Parent Permission Slips are required.