- Palmetto Ridge High
- PRH Club List
Purpose and Nature:
- Club dedicated to the creation of visual art beyond the scope of the instructional day. Students participate in community art displays, produce artwork for scholarship applications, refine AP Portfolio submissions, etc.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Ms. Wisniewski
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Wed. @ Lunch Room 530
- Club dedicated to the creation of visual art beyond the scope of the instructional day. Students participate in community art displays, produce artwork for scholarship applications, refine AP Portfolio submissions, etc.
Bio Bears
Purpose and Nature:
- Students will develop their interest in the field of Science while gaining a platform to showcase their talent as budding scientists and researchers of the future.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Mrs. McAlear-Feingold
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
2nd & 4th Wednesday @ lunch in P-9.
- Students will develop their interest in the field of Science while gaining a platform to showcase their talent as budding scientists and researchers of the future.
Purpose and Nature:
- Any student with a GPA of 2.0 or greater or any faculty member can join. The dues are $20 per year. Recently, we have been making: soy candles, bath bombs, and soap. It is a "make and take" club but we also make and sell items to raise money to go on local adventures. In the past, we have earned volunteer hours for Bright Future Scholarships by putting on science shows, and making oobleck, and gummy worms at Corkscrew Elementary School's after school program. Get involved, get your friends, and join our club.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Ms. Chapman
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Fri. @ Lunch and/or after school Room 569
- Any student with a GPA of 2.0 or greater or any faculty member can join. The dues are $20 per year. Recently, we have been making: soy candles, bath bombs, and soap. It is a "make and take" club but we also make and sell items to raise money to go on local adventures. In the past, we have earned volunteer hours for Bright Future Scholarships by putting on science shows, and making oobleck, and gummy worms at Corkscrew Elementary School's after school program. Get involved, get your friends, and join our club.
Debate Club
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Mr. Lake
- Mr. Lake
Drama / ITS
Purpose and Nature:
- Club dedicated to the performance of theatre, as an expansion of the theatre curriculum in schools. Students audition for roles in theatrical productions to be put on by the school.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Ms. Peteroy
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
T-W-TH 2:30pm Aud. Wed. @ lunch P-1
- Club dedicated to the performance of theatre, as an expansion of the theatre curriculum in schools. Students audition for roles in theatrical productions to be put on by the school.
Purpose and Nature:
- FCA campus ministry is the largest Christian campus ministry in America. It is initiated by students with the purpose of providing opportunities for students to be impacted for Jesus Christ through engagement in fellowship, teamwork, fun, and competition. The FCA Chapter is a student-lead club that hosts weekly meetings called Huddles which are open to all PRH students, faculty, and staff who are interested in learning more about the life and philosophies of Jesus Christ. FCA also hosts numerous community-building activities and service projects throughout the school year.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Mr. Rodriguez
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Every Wed. @ Lunch Room 233
- FCA campus ministry is the largest Christian campus ministry in America. It is initiated by students with the purpose of providing opportunities for students to be impacted for Jesus Christ through engagement in fellowship, teamwork, fun, and competition. The FCA Chapter is a student-lead club that hosts weekly meetings called Huddles which are open to all PRH students, faculty, and staff who are interested in learning more about the life and philosophies of Jesus Christ. FCA also hosts numerous community-building activities and service projects throughout the school year.
French Honor Society
Purpose and Nature:
- To revolutionize Student’s perception of the French Language and Language Acquisition, a natural process in which students develop communication skills by promoting enthusiasm among students for the French language and culture. Club members are leaders, and leadership is emphasized as well as individuality! This club encourages students to be themselves, lead, and indulge in the joy of the French culture.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Dr. Etienne
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
1st & 3rd Wed. @ Lunch P – 2
- To revolutionize Student’s perception of the French Language and Language Acquisition, a natural process in which students develop communication skills by promoting enthusiasm among students for the French language and culture. Club members are leaders, and leadership is emphasized as well as individuality! This club encourages students to be themselves, lead, and indulge in the joy of the French culture.
Future Health Professionals
Purpose and Nature:
- Our mission is to empower future health professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience. Our purpose is to develop leadership and technical health career skills and competencies through a program of motivation, awareness, and recognition. Dues for National and local chapter affiliates is $20. If you are considering entering in competitions, the additional cost will need to be fundraised or paid for by each student member.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Ms. Passero
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Tues. & Thurs. @ Lunch Room 611
- Our mission is to empower future health professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience. Our purpose is to develop leadership and technical health career skills and competencies through a program of motivation, awareness, and recognition. Dues for National and local chapter affiliates is $20. If you are considering entering in competitions, the additional cost will need to be fundraised or paid for by each student member.
Green Environmental
Purpose and Nature:
- To help provide the community with a pristine and healthy environment.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Ms. Duane
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Every Friday @ Lunch P – 7
- To help provide the community with a pristine and healthy environment.
Purpose and Nature:
- The Leadership Team is an academic team focusing on JROTC information, such as Winning Colors, Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Competition includes several levels of quizzes against other school teams.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Major Sarnecky
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Jr. Leadership–Wed @ Lunch Rms. 420-421
Command Staff – Thurs. @ Lunch Rms. 420-421
- The Leadership Team is an academic team focusing on JROTC information, such as Winning Colors, Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Competition includes several levels of quizzes against other school teams.
JROTC Raiders
Purpose and Nature:
- Raider Team is the physical training portion of the JROTC program. The team focuses on physical endurance to complete tasks such as tire flip, rope bridge, 3k run, obstacle course, and litter carry. The team is dedicated to preparing its mind and body for both county and state competition.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Major Sarnecky
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Tues. & Thurs. Afterschool Room 421
- Raider Team is the physical training portion of the JROTC program. The team focuses on physical endurance to complete tasks such as tire flip, rope bridge, 3k run, obstacle course, and litter carry. The team is dedicated to preparing its mind and body for both county and state competition.
Key Club
Purpose and Nature:
- Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. What makes Key Club so successful is that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Today, Key Club exists on more than 5,000 high school campuses, primarily in the United States and Canada.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Ms. Emerine
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
1 Fri. a month @ Lunch Room 521
- Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. What makes Key Club so successful is that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Today, Key Club exists on more than 5,000 high school campuses, primarily in the United States and Canada.
Mock Trial
Purpose and Nature:
- Using a hypothetical case, teams present both sides of a case in the roles of attorneys and witnesses. School district personnel and voluntary bar associations organize the local county and circuit competitions. One team per circuit advances to the state competition organized by the Justice Teaching Center. Students learn critical thinking skills, legal reasoning, analysis, and professionalism, in addition to the structure and function of the courts and the legal process.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
Ms. Stanley / Mr. Albert Claro
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Mon. & Thurs. 4-5:30pm Media Center
- Using a hypothetical case, teams present both sides of a case in the roles of attorneys and witnesses. School district personnel and voluntary bar associations organize the local county and circuit competitions. One team per circuit advances to the state competition organized by the Justice Teaching Center. Students learn critical thinking skills, legal reasoning, analysis, and professionalism, in addition to the structure and function of the courts and the legal process.
Model UN
Purpose and Nature:
- The purpose of Model United Nations is to teach negotiating, bargaining and communication skills, represent a foreign perspective in a disciplined forum, enhance awareness and inform students on critical global issues, and acquaint students with the workings of the United Nations.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
Ms. Etienne
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
1st & 3rd Wed. @ Lunch P – 2
- The purpose of Model United Nations is to teach negotiating, bargaining and communication skills, represent a foreign perspective in a disciplined forum, enhance awareness and inform students on critical global issues, and acquaint students with the workings of the United Nations.
National Honor Society
Purpose and Nature:
- Juniors and seniors with a weighted GPA of 3.9 or higher are invited to become members of the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates the school's commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character – the four pillars that create the foundation of the organization. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
Miss Machol
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
1st Fri. of month @ Lunch Media Center
- Juniors and seniors with a weighted GPA of 3.9 or higher are invited to become members of the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates the school's commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character – the four pillars that create the foundation of the organization. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.
Robotics/ Solar Car
Purpose and Nature:
- To encourage student achievement in STEAM topics through teamwork and friendly competition.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
Ms. Sieja
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Every Tues. & Thurs. Room 615
- To encourage student achievement in STEAM topics through teamwork and friendly competition.
Science National Honor Society
Purpose and Nature:
- Giving rise to a group of young thinkers who will be the future of industry, research, and scientific exploration for America.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
Ms. Schroeder
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
4th Fri. @ Lunch Room 579
- Giving rise to a group of young thinkers who will be the future of industry, research, and scientific exploration for America.
SGA (Student Government)
Purpose and Nature:
- The Student Government Association represents all students at their High School. S.G.A. provides an opportunity for all students to actively contribute to the academic and social climate of the school campus. This club encourages students to participate in the governance of the campus community. One avenue for this participation is through the election of student leaders. The elected officers of the student body, include each Classes’ President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. S.G.A. has open membership in the way of Class Representatives. Any student may represent their class at weekly S.G.A. meetings as a Class Representative however Class Representatives are unable to vote on issues and motions that are presented at meetings. S.G.A. meets weekly to discuss and address issues of campus concern. Unless otherwise noted, weekly meetings are open to all students and other members of the High School community. All students are encouraged to attend S.G.A.’s weekly meetings, to voice opinions, or to listen and observe. S.G.A. is conducted by the S.G.A. President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer all of whom are elected by students. The S.G.A. Officers serve as the primary Student Government Association liaisons with the faculty, staff and administration of your High School and the greater Collier County Community.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
Mr. Rodriguez
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Every Mon. @ Lunch And Afterschool 402
- The Student Government Association represents all students at their High School. S.G.A. provides an opportunity for all students to actively contribute to the academic and social climate of the school campus. This club encourages students to participate in the governance of the campus community. One avenue for this participation is through the election of student leaders. The elected officers of the student body, include each Classes’ President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. S.G.A. has open membership in the way of Class Representatives. Any student may represent their class at weekly S.G.A. meetings as a Class Representative however Class Representatives are unable to vote on issues and motions that are presented at meetings. S.G.A. meets weekly to discuss and address issues of campus concern. Unless otherwise noted, weekly meetings are open to all students and other members of the High School community. All students are encouraged to attend S.G.A.’s weekly meetings, to voice opinions, or to listen and observe. S.G.A. is conducted by the S.G.A. President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer all of whom are elected by students. The S.G.A. Officers serve as the primary Student Government Association liaisons with the faculty, staff and administration of your High School and the greater Collier County Community.
Spanish National Honor Society
Purpose and Nature:
- The Spanish National Honor Society - Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica- is a national organization. The SHH is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish, sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). The mission of the Spanish Honor Society is to recognize high school achievement in Spanish and to promote interest in Hispanic studies. To be inducted as a member of the Spanish National Honor Society a student must have a minimum cumulative average of 3.0, As and Bs in Spanish classes and be enrolled in a Spanish class.
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
Ms. Paez / Ms. Jimenez
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Every Wed. @ Lunch Auditorium
- The Spanish National Honor Society - Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica- is a national organization. The SHH is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish, sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). The mission of the Spanish Honor Society is to recognize high school achievement in Spanish and to promote interest in Hispanic studies. To be inducted as a member of the Spanish National Honor Society a student must have a minimum cumulative average of 3.0, As and Bs in Spanish classes and be enrolled in a Spanish class.
Table Top Club
Purpose and Nature:
- The goal is to engage students in teamwork, imagination, creativity, and competition through the use of Table Top gaming. Games played at the club include but are not limited to Warhammer Alliance and Dungeons and Dragons
Sponsor/Advisor Name/Contact Information:
- Ms. Shim-Marinos
Meeting Location/Days/Times:
Wednesdays in 2-203 afterschool
- The goal is to engage students in teamwork, imagination, creativity, and competition through the use of Table Top gaming. Games played at the club include but are not limited to Warhammer Alliance and Dungeons and Dragons