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Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Parent Survey Now Open
As part of Collier County Public Schools' ongoing efforts to better understand the needs and experiences of individuals with special needs and their families, the district is surveying parents of students with disabilities. We would greatly appreciate your participation in this survey, which will help us gather valuable insights and information about challenges and successes and guide our efforts to continually improve special education programs and services.
Your responses to this voluntary survey will remain confidential and anonymous. CCPS believes all students deserve access to high-quality, personalized education that meets their unique needs. Participating in this survey will assist the district towards this goal and make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with special needs and their families.
- Click here to access the CCPS survey. Please complete by May 26, 2023.
Additionally, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) conducts an annual survey of all parents of students with disabilities attending public schools in Florida. All states must collect this data as part of their State Performance Plan, as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The FDOE survey can be accessed using the links below:
- English: click here
- Spanish: click here
- Creole: click here