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Florida Department of Education Releases 2023 Graduation Rates
Florida Department of Education Releases 2023 High School Graduation Rates
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The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) released high school graduation rates for the Class of 2023 on January 22, 2024. The graduation rate for the State of Florida is 88%. Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) proudly announces our 2023 graduation rate is 91.5%, outperforming the state by 3.5 percentage points. Collier ranked 12th among Florida’s 67 counties, highlighting the District’s successful efforts to provide high-quality instruction for all CCPS students.
Additionally, CCPS outperformed the state for all student subgroups, and saw year-over-year improvement for students with disabilities (SWD), English Language Learners (ELL), migrant, male, white, and black students.
It should be noted, many of the remaining students in the 2023 cohort will complete graduation requirements, but will take longer than four years. Non-graduates include students who: 1) may have been retained as they have not completed all of their requirements and are still in school, 2) received Certificates of Completion, 3) received a GED from the State of Florida, or 4) are continuing their education in adult education programs.
“The outstanding achievements of the Class of 2023 are to be commended. I express my gratitude to the dedicated teachers, parents, and community partners for their unwavering support. Graduation is a collective effort and together, we celebrate this milestone of success."
- Dr. Leslie C. Ricciardelli, Superintendent, Collier County Public Schools