New Student Start Date for 2020-2021
July 29, 2020
Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) is committed to Moving Forward safely into the new school year given the State’s order to open campuses five days a week “upon reopening in August.” (Source: Department of Education Order NO. 2020-E0-06).
On Tuesday, July 28, the District School Board of Collier County voted to delay the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Therefore, the first day of school for students will be on Monday, August 31, 2020. Due to this change, several additional adjustments have been made to the Academic Calendar, including the last day of school for students will now be Friday, June 11, 2021. Click here to view the revised 2020-2021 academic calendar.
CCPS employees were sent an email on Tuesday evening regarding this calendar change. All employee work calendars will be impacted by this change, and new work calendars will be sent out by the end of next week.
Collier County Public Schools continues to adapt and respond appropriately to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and understanding.
For the latest updates, visit our Moving Forward webpage at
- If you have general questions, please contact
- If you have questions specific to the instructional options, please contact