Update: Moving Forward Plan
August 5, 2020
Thank you your flexibility and understanding as we continue our adaptive and responsive approach to reopening for the 2020-21 school year. Based on current data on instructional model preferences, we would like to provide you with an update.
Approximately 58% of students are planning to return to school on campus August 31st with the remainder of the students engaging in virtual options.
- The students seeking a flexible instructional option will be enrolled in eCollier Academy (Option 3) and maintain a space at their previous elementary or middle school for the 2020-21 school year (including parental choice/out-of-zone)
- eCollier Academy is being maintained for elementary/middle school students in the flexible option due to the distributed numbers across the district and the need for teachers dedicated to this flexible model
- Each high school will now serve the students requesting Option 3 with flexible scheduling due to the number of students requesting this option, the need to monitor graduation requirements, and the complexity of high school scheduling
Please see a sample “Day In The Life” for Classroom Connect (Option 2) students (elementary and secondary)
- Elementary
- Secondary (middle/high)
Schools are updating school supply lists for parent review in the near future.
- Parents will be notified by schools of pick-up schedules (8/17-8/28) for Collier Connect devices/earbuds with inline microphones (1 pair), instructional materials (Classroom Connect and eCollier Academy), and District-provided face coverings
- Students on campus may plan to bring their own water bottles to replenish at filling stations
As shared in the spring, students in fourth through eighth grades will be using a common organizational system based on organizing learning materials in a three-ring binder or Trapper Keeper with the following color system:
- English Language Arts (Reading/Elementary) - RED
- English Language Arts (Writing/Elementary only) - YELLOW
- Math - PURPLE
- Science - GREEN
- Social Studies - BLUE
Do you have a child or family member that needs to register for school? Our Student Registration team is available and ready to help you! To avoid any delays, please be sure to register your student now. The process is completely online this year! You will find instructions at collierschools.com/registration. Have questions? Email registration@collierschools.com or call 239-377-0547 to reach out to the Student Registration team.
Thank you again for your support and understanding as we expand options for the 2020-21 school year as this situation continues to develop over time. We are here to offer support in making decisions that are best for each child, and we know that there is no one “right” option for everyone.
For the latest updates, visit our Moving Forward webpage at collierschools.com/reopening. Please contact your child's school with any questions or send an email to reopening@collierschools.com.
Dr. Kamela Patton
Superintendent of Schools