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MOVING FORWARD UPDATE: Second Semester Education Announcement


November 30, 2020


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis stated today schools across Florida will remain open moving forward into the second semester.   


Florida Department of Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran issued an Emergency Order extending the choices for parents during the pandemic, including an option for students who are making adequate progress to continue in a virtual model in second semester, if needed.   


Students currently enrolled in virtual learning who are not making adequate progress will be required to return to face-to-face instruction unless parents meet with school staff, acknowledge in writing that the student is not making adequate progress and acknowledge the associated educational risks, such as repeating a course/grade level and/or limiting post-secondary opportunities.  


This week, parents of students currently enrolled in Classroom Connect virtual learning will receive an email notification explaining next steps and an instructional model survey link. Parents of students currently learning on campus will not need to complete a survey. 


Collier County Public Schools will continue our focus on student achievement and progress monitoring.  We are grateful for the flexibility and hard work of ALL students, parents, staff, and community members as we approach second semester.