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Seeking Community Representation - Professional Design and Construction-Related Services Selection Workgroup


Collier County Public Schools currently has five (5) vacant community representative positions on the Selection Workgroup to select qualified firms for professional design and construction-related services. Members of the Selection Workgroup review, evaluate, and score applicant firm's presentations during the selection process. This is an ongoing workgroup with upcoming projects including a remodeling of a high school gymnasium and cafeteria, as well as construction of Elementary "L". With a minimal time commitment, you will help shape the future of facilities across our school district.  


  • Varies depending on district needs
  • May meet several times in one year or may not meet for several consecutive years
  • Workgroup sessions typically last 2-4 hours
  • Position is voluntary and non-paid


Since members can influence the selection of applicant professional design and construction-related firms, anyone applying to become a member of the Selection Workgroup must meet qualifying criteria.

  • Must be a Collier County resident.
  • Must have experience in the fields of architecture, engineering, or construction.
  • Must not have a conflict of interest with any applicant professional design and construction-related firms.

Send the following to the Chief Facilities Officer via email at with subject line APPLICATION TO SELECTION WORKGROUP:

  • Proof of Collier County residency.
  • Resume showing experience in the fields of architecture, engineering, or construction. Resume shall contain current address, email, and phone number.
  • Declaration that there exists no known conflict of interest with future applicant firms and that if such a conflict arises, the member will recuse themselves from the Selection Workgroup.


  • Upon receipt of the applicant's proof of residency, resume, and declaration, the Selection Workgroup will meet to review the application(s) and vote to either admit or deny the applicant(s) to the workgroup.
  • Upon completion of voting, a letter of admittance or denial will by mailed to the applicant(s).


Administrative Procedure (AP) 6330 is the procedure used to select qualified firms for professional design and construction-related services as defined by F.S. 287.055.  AP 6330 requires two separate selection processes (Technical Screening Workgroup and Selection Workgroup) to select the most qualified service provider.  The Selection Workgroup is the final step in the selection process. It is composed of the Chief Facilities Officer, Administrative Director of Purchasing, Senior Director of Facilities Planning and Design, Senior Director of Project Management, one or more Project Managers and one or more Maintenance Supervisors (depending on the type of project), five community representatives, and Cost Center Director or Principal (when applicable).