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STATE ASSESSMENT RESULTS: CCPS Again Outperforms State in All 2021-22 Assessments


The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) released 2022 spring assessment results for schools across the state. Particular highlights include:

  • For the second consecutive year, Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) outperformed the state in all 21 assessed areas

  • Student performance in English Language Arts (ELA) was strong at every grade level and outperformed the state, most significantly at the elementary level

  • Similarly, we saw strong performance in math, outperforming the state at each grade level and Algebra I and Geometry End of Course assessments

  • In science and social studies, the same pattern of outperformance as compared to the state was seen in all assessed grades

  • CCPS is one of only two Districts out of 67 that showed year-over-year English Language Arts increases in all grade groupings (grades 3-10, grades 3-5, grades 6-8, and grades 9-10)

  • Grades 3-8 Math, all grades Algebra 1, and all grades Geometry showed increases from 2021

  • Ranked in the top five for grade 4 English Language Arts and grade 4 math achievement among the 67 Districts in the state

  • CCPS increased in year-over-year performance in grades 4, 6, and 10 English Language Arts, 7, 3, and 1 point, respectively

  • CCPS also increased in year-over-year performance in all tested mathematical areas, with the exception of grade 5 math which maintained prior year performance above the state

  • CCPS demonstrated increases in year-over-year performance in Biology, Civics, and U.S. History

In addition to our overall strong District performance, we are particularly proud of the student performance at Lake Trafford Elementary and Village Oaks Elementary:

  • Lake Trafford Elementary School posted strong increases in English Language Arts, Math, and Science from 2021 to 2022

  • Village Oaks Elementary posted strong increases in English Language Arts, Math, and Science from 2021-2022

"We are proud of the achievements of individual students, schools and the collective District performance. We have exceeded the State in all 21 tested areas for the second year in a row, and continue to see students make progress towards being College, Career, and Life Ready. Ultimately, our successes can be attributed to the hard work and perseverance of our students, teachers, parents, administrators, District staff, and strong community support." - Dr. Patton

Click here to read the full Assessment Brief.