• kids  



    The foundation of PBS is that students must be taught what is expected of them. Teachers and staff at Pinecrest teach and support students in their learning of appropriate behavior. We have high expectations for our students to facilitate their success throughout their schooling and when they enter the workforce.

    The students say the Pinecrest Creed every morning to help them remember the Pinecrest expectations as they do their job of learning.


    I am a Pinecrest Eagle
    I will soar to new heights, flying high and free because I have learned that knowledge is the key.
    With my mind and all the rest of me, I promise to be safe, prepared, responsible, respectful.
    This is the Eagle’s Creed.


    The classroom rules and rules in each area of the school are based on these four core expectations. Each grade level in the school has the same rules posted in their classroom so that students experience consistency across the grade level. Twice a year students are taught the expectations for the cafeteria, playground, lining up and riding the bus.

    When students have problems following classroom rules and expectations, they are asked to “Nest”. During nesting time, a student reflects and writes about what happened and what they could do the next time the situation presents itself. This provides an opportunity for the student to learn from their mistake. Students are supported by all school staff to make positive changes when needed. Teachers keep a log of student nestings (time outs) in the event that the behavior requires more intensive intervention later on.

    More intensive interventions may include:

    Check in/ Check out
    Mentoring by a staff member
    Behavior Intervention Plan
    Contract with administrator

    The Positive Behavior Support team includes administrators, counselor, teachers and assistants. The team meets monthly to review data in student behavior and make decisions regarding how to implement PBS across the school.