CCPS Parent Guide:
The purpose of this resource guide is to provide a family-friendly handbook to help you access services, make decisions about
your child’s educational progress, and assist your child as they
move from preschool through high school. More comprehensive
information regarding your student’s progression can be located
in the 2022-2023 Student Progression Plan. View Now →
CCPS Portal:
The centralized CCPS Portal is your first step in creating a CCPS profile and/or log into accessing your information. Begin Now → |
CCPS Connect:
CCPS Portal is your first step in Student Laptop assistance.
Begin Now → |
Looking to register! Please select from one of the following student registration application processes:
Pre-K prepares children to be ready for school. Children who participate in high-quality early childhood education programs develop better language skills, score higher in school-readiness tests and have better social skills and fewer behavioral problems once they enter school. They are also better prepared for Kindergarten, especially in the areas of pre-reading, pre-math and social skills. Enroll Now →
PREK -12
All students, Kindergarten through 12th grade, who are NEW to the District, will be registered using the Online Centralized Registration system. Enroll Now →
eCollier Academy
As a part of the A-rated Collier County Public Schools, eCollier Academy serves students from grades Kindergarten through 12. Free enrollment features local instruction and support based on the high-performing tradition of CCPS while offering students innovative education in a format that best fits their needs. Enroll Now →
Charter Schools
Each of the CCPS Charter schools are independent public schools and have seperate registration processes. If you are interested in enrollment, please click here to view the list of Charter Schools
Community Education
Improve your jobs skills or just learn a language. Community Education classes are open to anyone and Registrations are accepted on a first-come, firstserved basis. Enroll Now →
Adult Education
Get your G.E.D here! Schedule an appointment by calling 239-377-1319 to register or click here to view more information about getting your GED classes
Home Education
Home Education is one of five legal ways to satisfy the compulsory attendance law. Florida Statute 1002.41 gives parents the choice of achieving regular school attendance through ONE of the following provisions; a public school, a parochial, religious, or denominational school, a private school, a home education program, a private tutor program. Enroll Now →
Supporting Your Child Socially & Emotionally:
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
Talking to your child about social and emotional issues is important. Avoiding the subject is not helpful, but helping your child put it in perspective can be. Your child may struggle with specific things, but not everything. Click Here View additional resource information → |
NAF academies are small career themed learning communities within current school structures focused on preparing students for college and career success. It is a national network of education, business and community leaders who work together to ensure high school students are college, career and future ready. All high school students are eligible to be part of NAF. Talk to your NAF director or counselor at your high school to learn how you can apply to be part of an academy!
NAF’s Mission:
NAF solves some of the biggest challenges facing education and the economy by bringing education, business, and community leaders together to transform the high school experience.
Click here to learn more!