If you believe you have been inappropriately solicited online or find yourself in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, you should report it! There are different ways you can do this:
- Tell your parent or parents.
- Tell a trusted adult. This could be a friend, a teacher, a leader in your community, a coach, a member of law enforcement or a religious leader.
- Tell one of the Advocates or volunteers giving the Attorney General’s CyberSafety presentation at your school.
- Tell your parent or parents.
Parent Resources
Student Resources
CYBER Bullying Are you a student who is being cyberbullied? Do you see it happening at your school? Do you want to do something about it?
Stop BullyingBullying can affect you in many ways. You may lose sleep or feel sick. You may want to skip school. You may even be thinking about suicide. If you are feeling hopeless or helpless or know someone that is, please call the LIFELINE at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).Net Smartz Kids Join Clicky and other fun characters as you play games and watch videos on how to be safer both online and offline. Learn proper Netiquette, too!
Net Smartz (Middle & High)
There's a lot to deal with on the Internet - privacy settings, gossip and even creeps. These resources can help you navigate the Internet while guarding your reputation.
Kids Zone - Safe Florida Learn how to protect yourself online while playing games, surfing the internet and having fun. Tips come from the Florida Office of the Attorney General.
Teen Safety - Safe FloridaLearn how to protect yourself online while playing games, surfing the internet and having fun. Tips come from the Florida Office of the Attorney General.Stop CYBER BullyingTest your cyberbullying preparedness. Do you know what to do if you or someone you know is being cyberbullied? This resource will review what it is, how to spot it, ways to report it, and how to prevent it.