Program Evaluation & Survey Results
Purpose of Program Evaluation: The purpose of program evaluation is to empower teachers, building administrators, and district leaders with the knowledge which is needed to ensure that responses to differences in student achievement are: research-based, implemented with fidelity, cost effective, and produce results which are consistent with their objectives. Characteristics of Effective Program Evaluation: The five characteristics of effective program evaluation, as identified in the research literature, are: utility (timeliness and relevance), feasibility (conducted within the context of available resources); propriety (ethics); accuracy; and relevance (meets the objectives of the evaluation). Types of Program Evaluation: Program evaluations can be either formative or summative; they can also focus on either process or on outcomes. Many program evaluations ultimately address all of these areas. Ongoing formative program evaluations can be conducted by teachers, building administrators, or program managers. More formal, district-wide program evaluations are completed by the district’s program evaluator. The Role of the Program Evaluator: The role of the program evaluator is to undertake evaluation tasks which address district-wide programs, practices, or initiatives. District level program evaluations can focus on district-wide implementation of: curricular programs, teaching models, student grouping practices, staff development activities, the use of technology, and/or other practices or programs.