Elementary, Middle, & High School Attendance Boundary Proposal (Option A)
Attendance Boundary Proposals:
The Attendance Boundary Review Team has developed two proposals at the elementary and middle school levels for community feedback and School Board consideration. The elementary and middle school proposals are linked with Option A and B and align with one another. Two options have been developed and are being shared for input. These proposed attendance boundary modifications would be effective at the start of the 2025-2026 school year.
Additionally, the Attendance Boundary Review Team has developed a proposal at the high school level for community feedback and School Board consideration. This proposal is independent of the elementary/middle school proposals. The aim of the high school proposal is to prepare for future growth. This proposed attendance boundary modification would be effective at the start of the 2025-26 school year.
Option A (images below):
- Elementary - creates the attendance boundary for Bear Creek Elementary School while alleviating Laurel Oak Elementary with adjustments to Veterans Memorial Elementary, Pelican Marsh Elementary, Naples Park Elementary, and Sea Gate Elementary. Further adjustments include alleviating Corkscrew Elementary and Sabal Palm Elementary while preparing for a new elementary school in Ave Maria opening at the start of the 2026-27 school year.
- Middle - adjusts attendance boundary of communities from Oakridge Middle to North Naples Middle for a feeder pattern adjustment. Addition adjustments proposed to alleviate capacity concerns and prepare for anticipated future growth.
- High: Modifies attendance boundaries to support future growth and enhance alignment within feeder patterns. The high school component remains the same in both Option A and Option B.
After reviewing the proposals, please provide your input on the Community Feedback.
All Attendance Boundary Modification Proposals will be presented to the School Board for consideration at the November 19, 2024, School Board Workshop and the regular School Board meeting on December 10, 2024.
See below for a map and general/specific description of the attendance boundary proposal.
Interactive Zoning Tool (Option A): This allows individuals to enter their home address and see their student's zoned school(s) based on the proposed attendance boundary modifications.
Community Feedback: Parents, students, staff, and community members can provide feedback via online submission. The window to provide input will close on December 5, 2024 at 2:00 pm.